Thursday, June 11, 2009

.... Our Trip To Angels & Demons ....

Personally I thought the movie was pretty good, except that they didn't put the diamond in the story, which to me was the whole reason the story evolves. Another down fall was Vittoria Vettra's legs were know where in sight. I mean the cardinals showed more  skin then her... Disappointing , especially when the book never stopped talking about those "legs". None the less I thought it was a great movie , the sounds effects, costume designs, setting , and acting was all done very well. Ron Howard didn't live up to the expectations of his title, but we will give him credit for trying. Way to go!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

★Movies,Money & God★

... An inconvenient Truth...

 In the inconvenient truth, Al Gore explains about global warming, and the impact it has on our future. As humans many of us either agree or disagree with the fact there is such a thing a global warming, and how its really effecting our future, but the more the issue is brought up ,the more peoples eyes start to glaze over. Way to many comedians have been poking fun at this issue, so people are not going to take it seriously. I applaud Al for speaking about this topic. I mean it is not easy to keep people interested in topics like these. I mean seriously we as humans have better things to worry about, i mean we have to worry about jobs, income, daily needs, providing food and shelter for their families. That in itself is a lot of work plus caring about the environment is another situation in itself. Personally I think if "we all tried to do a good deed" as Danica said. It can make a world of differences even if it is only one simple thing a day. So Really the Inconvenient Truth, is actually  silence.. This is means just like the invisible children, they need a voice. That is why we need some like Al Gore to be the voice of Global Warming, to make people want to help, and believe in the positive outcome of their good deeds.  

Angels & Demons Hollywood

To me this article seems to be prompting / endorsing the journalist own book. To me this isn't really a professional way to endorse something, especially if you are the one endorsing your own book.. like come on... Anyways I think this particular journalist is analyzing , and getting way too much information on religion, I mean Angels & Demons the movie isn't even filled with this much religion. For example in this article he referees to many religious movies, and doesn't talk about Angels & Demons itself. I am a religious person just like the next guy, but come on, to me this was way over the religious scale...... Personally next time he shouldn't make the article title so catchy, because I wasted time on something that was nothing significant, and was way too religious. I mean I know where to look, if i need some religious guiding.. certainly don't need it in a journal... 

..:.. The BIG Issue..:..

1. Wars/Conflict- Why Can't we all just be FRIENDS

2. Poverty- Why must 3rd world countries suffer, when the average person wastes enough food to provide 3rd world countries for months...

3. Technology- What happened to the good old days were you didn't have to text, listen to your ipod, or be on the computer 24/7. Personally I think it is getting out of control, especially when kids in grade 6 are getting cell phones.. that is is RIDICULOUS!!!!

4. Confidence- More people have a lack of confidence, which I think is the reason more people make mistakes, because they are not confident on making a decision on their own.

5. Global Warming- Need I say more?

These to me are the top 5 issues that I am concerned about the most.

...Education System Revised...

The Perfect School Education:
1. More Hands On Learning.
2. More Funding To Schools.
3. Classes Geared More Towards Future Careers/Jobs.
4. Less Text Book.
5. More Technology Friendly.
6. Teachers Who are Willing To Make Class Fun/ Enjoyable.
7. Longer Lunch.
8. Later Start Times For High-schools.
9. More Guest Speaker about careers.
10. No Suspensions Or Detentions
11. Geared Towards Real Life Situation

Thursday, April 16, 2009

..The American Teen..

 The American Teen, was surprisingly one of my favourite movies. Why... well it was easy to relate to, I mean most kids today are still wondering if they are making the right decision on a career , college or university , and if they fit in with everyone else in high school. The film is about five high school students living in Warsaw, Indiana. It's the typical American school with the "Jock" trying to get that  basketball scholarship . The "Princess" who has everything , but doesn't realize it. The " Nerd" who just can't get the girl he always dreamed of. The "Rebel" who misses weeks of school, over a relationship, and the" Heart Throb" who breaks up with a girl over a text message. Sound Like a typical day at IDCI.. NOT..

My favourite character in this film would have to be Megan, better known as the " Princess". And for those of you reading this you are probably really baffled that this is my favourite character. The reason is Megan is is academically talented, popular, and involved in many extracurricular activities. Her ultimate goal is to get into the University of Notre Dame. Which is something that many of her family members have done before her. She is manipulative,mean, and is considered to be the  "villain", Megan is also her own worse enemy. This is because Megan struggles with social and emotional issues, which makes her seem like the " Villain". Personally I think Megan is a great person, because she changed as she entered university, and realized that tee peeing a house was immature, and wrong. That is why Megan is my favourite character.

Angels & Demons

Angels and Demons......... was an interesting book, but not my favourite by Dan Brown. Personally the ending was ridiculous, I mean everything was going peachy , and then suddenly Vittoria found Olivetti's body on the floor. That was the end of the book. I mean i expected more out of Dan Brown . He is such a clever man, so why wouldn't he use that to his advantage. Also I am kind of glad that Olivetti's dead because to me he seems useless, he was just another sub in to make the book longer than it had to be. All I have to say is better luck next time ...

Growing Up Online?!

In regards to growing up online, I think that most school today have a lack of technology, which causes a gap between students, and teachers of today. Most students are using technology 24/7. Some examples are cell phones, lap tops/computers, and ipods/mp3 players. Today's students need to have technology because they are more familiar with technology, then studying out of a textbook or researching out of a book.  I think if we mad schools more technology friendly, more students will be successful, and will want to continue to college or university. I also believe teachers should be more familiar with technology to make the classrooms run more smoothly. Therefore this is why I think having more access to technology could improve the schools outcome in the future.

.:. Studying In A Pirates Environment .:.

As classrooms increase, the minds of student decrease. This is the rising problem, and worries of parents, teachers, and school boards of today. But NEVER FEAR!!
Thanks for the wonderful people at McSweeney's students can have success.... There is the Pirate Supply store , and Homework Help Center also known as 826 Valencia in San Francisco.
This lovely shop is very  deceiving ... it's a Pirate Supply Shop on the outside, but a tutoring center on the inside, and a McSweeney's publishing office is located at the very back  of 826 Valencia. Personally I think this is  a unique ,creative, and fun idea that offers help to kids for free. This is an  attempt to make sure that each child receives one on one attention in some kind of  shape, or form. 
Personally I think this a great idea, because it really makes kids feel better about themselves, and they build more confident on their writing, reading and other school related skills. I think it would be a good idea to have one in Ingersoll.. It could be located at the Fusion Youth Centre , where everyone has access to the facility. So Yay for the Pirate Store!!!!1

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Seeing Is Believing or Believing Is Seeing??

In this picture most people would believe that there is a reflection of light, others believe it's a ghost. Personally I think if you believe in it, then you can see it. For example I believe that everyone has a guardian angel, someone that means the world to them, and has passed away. Most people don't believe in guardian angels because they think it is just luck that it happened to them. I think my guardian angels is my grandpa. This is because he taught me everything I know about music, and everytime I sing on stage I know he is there with me, I can just feel his presence. That is why you have to believe it to see it.

*!Lazy 1st years!*

An article was release in the Toronto Star, that first year university students are lazy. Personally I think this is true. This is because in public school you were treated like a 2 year old, and then in high school they let the chain go a little more. When you hit college or university you are so lazy, or not motivated enough to do your work. This is because in public school, ad high school the teacher did most of the work. That is why most students seem lazy, but in reality have no clue what to do because they never had to do that in high school, or public school.

Rock N Roll Physics....

In class, we watched a video about the hadron collider. The hadron collider is a massive circular tube that spans between the border of Switzerland ,and France. It is used for smashing particles of matter together. By smashing the particles of matter together, this can create antimatter. Antimatter is really dangerous, and if not handle correctly can cause a really powerful bomb. So for the record don't try smashing particles together, as it may result in a bad ending. Anyway the man who spoke about the hadron collider was a really great speaker. This is because he made his presentation interesting and exciting. He was really enthusiastic which made it quite entertaining. Interesting fact about him is that he used to be a rockstar, and toured with Jimmy Page, which is quite cool.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Talented Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has blown us away with her song writing skills. She has also blown us away with her great fan base, and has help populate the country music culture. Taylor may only be 19, but she has impacted so many teenagers with her songs about her ex- boyfriends, and continues to hit the charts at #1! I admire Taylor's ambition to make each record better then her previous one. Taylor makes her music fresh, and upbeat which makes her music catchy and popular. Most people say Taylor is a good songwriter, but needs to improve on her vocals. I think this is false because when Taylor performs her songs she may not be on key all the time, but this shows that she puts more emotion into her songs, and this makes it easier to relate to her because she isn't the perfect singer. Also most of the time Taylor performs she is either nervous, or has been sick, as seen on the AMA awards when Taylor sang "Love Story". I think Taylor is a great country music artist, who has inspired myself ,and others to stay true to your self, and also to write about situations that happen to you. Taylor also started song writing at a young age, and had a job at 14 as one of the youngest songwriters in Nashville. This is why Taylor is a great role model because she only writes about things she believes in. Therefore this is why Taylor is such a talented musician.

To Tweet, Or Not To Tweet.....

 To Tweet Or Not To Tweet , That Is The Question. Personally I think it is just silly that people would talk about dying alone on twitter. I mean that isn't something you would talk about to your family, or friends, so why post this question on twitter? I think people who post such messages are really insecure about them selves, and have nothing better to do. I think twitter has it's pros and cons, just as much as facebook. Personally twitter is a little better in the privacy department then facebook. This is because if someone posted" Fear of Dying alone" on facebook, the whole world would see it, and everyone would think your crazy. Twitter on the other hand people you have as " friends" can read and give advise without the whole world seeing it. Personally I think Twitter is better than facbook, even tho they both have some flaws, but twitter is more private which is a bonus. So tweet on that!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Science Is My Job... Faith Is My Rock?!

In the article it talks about a guy who believes in both religion and science. Can they be mixed? I believe they can. This is because Noah, built Noah's Arch .Which consisted of two of each animal fitting on a very large boat, that Noah had built. This is a type of science because you have to be smart enough to know the mass, and volume to create a space that can fit all the animals in. Another, example is from angels and demons by Dan Brown.The character Leonardo Vetra  who also believed in both God and evolution. That is why you can believe in both science, and religion.

We Love Our Earth♥

One hour... No LIGHTS... your light switch is your vote, are you ready? I think this is a great way to make a stand against "Global Warming". This is going to prove how much Canada really cares about our earth. By switching off your lights for one hour it show that you VOTE for "Earth", and by leaving your lights on is a VOTE for "Global Warming". This is a great idea that hopefully everyone will make a stand, and help our plant. After all, we live and breathe what the earth creates. Therefore this is a great way to give back to the earth, and help save something we all love :) .. Take a STAND & TURN YOUR LIGHTS OFF!

Pope Says No To Rubber ♂ ♀

Personally I can not believe the pope, who is an influencial leader would say something like that. Him of all people would think and learn the facts before saying anything that would bring up controversy . Especially in a country like Africa where protection against "AIDS/HIV" and "STD'S" is 
desperately needed. I am not a catholic, but from my perspective I thought the pope would have better morals for people, and not preach something that isn't true. In all fairness you can't tell someone not to have sex, it is apart of life, and making false  statements to try and stop people from having sex is wrong. This is because you are truly making matters worse. That is why the pope should learn the facts before saying something that will 
create controversy.

Arizona The Grand Canyon State ☼

On March 1st, 2009 I was off to Arizona. It was my first time on a plane, it was AMAZING, and surprisingly I wasn't even nervous one bit. My cousin and I decided to go to Arizona to get away from the cold weather , and to visit my grandma. When we arrived in Phoenix, we met up with my grandma and sat in the car for another long car ride to Coolidge Arizona where my grandma was staying. After we arrived at the cottage we went swimming and sun tanning. It was great, no snow to be seen for miles and miles. It felt like we were in paradise. For the next following two days we made are way up to the Grand Canyon. Interesting enough... Did you know Arizona is not actually called the Grand Canyon State?.. yes it is true, the reason is even tho it is on license plates, and on the road sign, Arizona's "bill" has never been passed to be called the Grand Canyon State. Weird I know.. Anyways, we spent two days at the Grand Canyon, it was so AMAZING.... Yet that isn't even a good word to describe it's great beauty. We also traveled to route 66.. Which if you have watched the movie cars, you will know what i am talking about. That my friends is where Lightning McQueen had been trapped. This actually was one of my favourite places to visit because all the buildings , and the town it self were still modeled to look like the early 1950's, which looks really rustic and adds character to the towns, which route 66 travels through. We also went to Sedona, which is about 2 hours away from the grand canyon. It was a really tourist town which had more shopping mall then I have ever saw in my entire life. We also went horseback riding, and to a ghost town, which was so awesome. When we went to the ghost town we got to dress up as saloon girls, we had alot of fun.. I wish I could still be in Arizona.One of the bast vacations I have ever been on, so I recommend for everyone to plan a vacation, and go to Arizona. You will love it :)

A+ Marking Scheme ♣

A university teacher decided to give all of his students an A+. This method is very controversial in today's education. This is because teachers want their students to do their best, and to do exactly what they ask . This leaves out all creativity for students.In education today they are all looking for new ways to make student succeed, or to make school more fun, and people friendly. Personally I believe this teaching method is BRILLIANT, not because everyone in the class receives an A, but it is less stressful on students who are worried about their grades. This also makes student show their creative side, and to be more excited about school. Although I think this idea is great, it also has its flaws because students are less likely to try, and therefore won't learn anything valuable. I think if this method of teaching was handled in the proper way, and not blown out of proportion there would be nothing wrong with giving students A+. I also think that if this method was published it would only last, as long as it's creator is living. Therefore I think that we should try this method of a few years to see what happens to students, and their interest in their grades. This is how we would be able to tell if this type of method would be used in future education plans.

Oak Island♫

The long and unsuccessful mystery of Oak Island has entered our gifted class, with many theories of Pirates, the Holy Grail, Shakespeare's Scripts to Mary Antoinette's jewels. Will this mystery ever be solved?.... Many people have risked their lives trying to find the missing pieces to this unsolved puzzle, but no one has solved this great case. Personally, I think there is nothing in the " money pit". This is because if there was anything important we would have found it by now, considering of all the technology that we have today. That is why I believe that there is no Pirate Treasure , or anything that has to do with the Holy Grail , Shakespeare's Scripts , or Mary Antoinette's jewels. Also I think this is just a big scam to get more tourists to come to Canada.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Creativity & Schools ♥

So we watched this video in our "Cool Class", which might I added was a pretty sweet video. In fact Ken Robinson has a brillant out look on creativity and schools. It is true how we totally ignore the fact of creativity. We spend more time doing math and english than any other subject in school. For instants we have to take english for four years in highschool, and when we go into university we are still taking english, despite the fact that it is our first language. Don't you think we should know it by now. It is true that educators teach students to think on only one side of the brain.Art is creativity,designing things to help the world,community,home is also an art. teachers, and guidance counselors should be more aware of the students' abilities, and what they are interested, or good at. It's not always going to be english or math. It all depends on the student.


My experience in blogging is some what short.The only experience I've had is on my music myspace, which i haven't been on for ages. I blog on my music space, so people can know up coming dates and songs that I have written or recorded on my computer. This is a fun way to show people who you truly are.