Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To Tweet, Or Not To Tweet.....

 To Tweet Or Not To Tweet , That Is The Question. Personally I think it is just silly that people would talk about dying alone on twitter. I mean that isn't something you would talk about to your family, or friends, so why post this question on twitter? I think people who post such messages are really insecure about them selves, and have nothing better to do. I think twitter has it's pros and cons, just as much as facebook. Personally twitter is a little better in the privacy department then facebook. This is because if someone posted" Fear of Dying alone" on facebook, the whole world would see it, and everyone would think your crazy. Twitter on the other hand people you have as " friends" can read and give advise without the whole world seeing it. Personally I think Twitter is better than facbook, even tho they both have some flaws, but twitter is more private which is a bonus. So tweet on that!!

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