Tuesday, May 19, 2009

... An inconvenient Truth...

 In the inconvenient truth, Al Gore explains about global warming, and the impact it has on our future. As humans many of us either agree or disagree with the fact there is such a thing a global warming, and how its really effecting our future, but the more the issue is brought up ,the more peoples eyes start to glaze over. Way to many comedians have been poking fun at this issue, so people are not going to take it seriously. I applaud Al for speaking about this topic. I mean it is not easy to keep people interested in topics like these. I mean seriously we as humans have better things to worry about, i mean we have to worry about jobs, income, daily needs, providing food and shelter for their families. That in itself is a lot of work plus caring about the environment is another situation in itself. Personally I think if "we all tried to do a good deed" as Danica said. It can make a world of differences even if it is only one simple thing a day. So Really the Inconvenient Truth, is actually  silence.. This is means just like the invisible children, they need a voice. That is why we need some like Al Gore to be the voice of Global Warming, to make people want to help, and believe in the positive outcome of their good deeds.  

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